About Me

My name is Amber and I was born in San Francisco, California, where I lived until I was eleven. At that time my family moved down to San Marcos, where we currently live. I attended elementary school in San Francisco and middle and high school in San Marcos. Right out of high school, I attended a small, private school in Ohio for a semester. I returned home, went to Mira Costa for a few semesters, and transferred to Cal State San Marcos. This last fall I had the opportunity to study abroad in Florence, Italy through the University of New Haven in Connecticut.

I have grown up in the realm of technology for as early as I could remember. I understand, mostly, how to use anything from computers to cell phones to the Mac toys to the internet. I think that our technological progression has been good, though I do not always agree with how it is used today. For example, I do not think that being 'plugged in' to our phones and gadgets 24/7 is healthy; does this mean I don't like cell phones or texting or calling? No, just that we need to be aware of how we use technology.

One reason I applied to Cal State San Marcos was because I knew I would be challenged, because the campus is very diverse in its student body makeup. I consider myself to be rather grounded in core beliefs and values, and I wanted to come to a school where people think different from me, have different rationale for what they believe, and where I would be challenged in my own beliefs as well. While I do not always agree with people at CSUSM, I respect them all because they challenge me daily to grow and be more open to different points of views and perspectives.


  1. I feel the same way that you do about being plugged in. I love my iPhone and I hate it at the same time. It's great at being a mini-computer whenever you need one, but it seems like you can never get away as long as it's with you. You came to CSUSM for a totally different reason then me and that's kinda interesting to see.

  2. Hello Amber,
    I am so jealous that you had the opportunity to spend a semester in Italy! I went to Italy in 8th grade and did not appreciate it as much as I would now. I have always wanted to study abroad. Would you recommend it? Look forward to getting to know you this semester!

    1. ABSOLUTELY!!!! You NEED to study abroad. Go somewhere where you will be challenged in either language or culture. In Italy, I was challenged in both areas.

  3. Amber,
    I went to Italy a few summers back and Florence was a great city. Were you able to check out Venice?
    And your idea of being 'plugged in' is interesting. I think breaks from technology to get back in touch with reality is important.

    1. I did go to Venice. It was one of the overnight trips the school planned for us. It was not my favorite place I went to though. Where did you like in Italy?

  4. I really like that you want to go to a school full a people with different views than you. So many of my friends want to be surrounded with people similar to them because it makes them feel more comfortable, but when you step out of your comfort zone, you can really learn so much more about others and yourself.

    I went to San Francisco for the first time this winter. It must have been quite an exciting place to grow up:)

    1. Actually, I did not like growing up in San Francisco. Everyone in my neighborhood (we lived outside the city by ten minutes or so), thought the same way, looked the same. There were too many older people in my neighborhood which did not make it a fun place to grow up- there was nobody to play with and our street was not a safe street to play on. Living down here, I have friends in my neighborhood and there is such a greater sense of community and youthfulness that I absolutely love.

  5. I think it's great that you chose this school because of its diversity. It is good to be willing and open to accept the challenges of dealing with people who are different than you in beliefs and values. This will come in handy, especially if you are going to become a teacher.

  6. I really enjoyed reading about you and your story. You are very organized by the way! It is really nice blogging with you and hope to work with you soon
