Vaidyanathan, S. (2012). Foster in creativity and innovation through technology. Learning and Leading with Technology, 36(6), 24-27. Retrieved from
This article was about the importance of using the core STEM subjects- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math- alongside creativity. The article argues that usually one does not put science, math, or technology in the same category with crativity, but that if done correctly, students can really develop their technology skills and create programs that help them in these core STEM subjects.
1. How does this model offer enrichment for the classroom setting?
I think it is interesting that these programs are based on mathematical and scientific principles. In one example, a student had to design a room, which requires students to understand spacial relationships, as well as geometric shapes. These kids are learning about both technology AND math concurrently. Most kids will not even think they are learning anything either. The other plus side to this program is that it can give students practical, hands on application for what they are learning. Too often students ask "when am I ever going to use this in real life" and these programs that require city planning, classroom design, 3-D artistic designs, allow students to see for themselves when they will apply their knowledge. It can also help a child decide early on if they are at all interested in becoming an engineer, for example, allowing them to load up on science classes.
2. Is it possible that I can implement this into my classroom? How would I incorporate this into my curriculum?
Wanting to teach history, this program has potential for my students. In another assignment for this tech class, I had to come up with how I would meet NET Standards for a 9-12th grade setting. For one standard, I came up with the lesson plan of making a computer game similar to the Oregon Trail. I could potentially add this as a supplement, addition, or in leiu of that assignment. Students would be able to design a city based on a particular time period, or they would be able to construct different types of housing quarters, again, based on time periods.
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